New machinery coming to Burstwick

Many members may know that we planned to put ourselves in the market for some new machinery and equipment this year, with a view to improve the course and maximise efficiency of time spent by our green staff.

This week has marked the beginning of this with the purchase of a Clubcar “Handyman” buggy which will be used by the staff to do various jobs around the golf course and also be available on some golf events as a refreshments buggy.

Second on the agenda is turf iron, which we have been looking to purchase for a while.

A turf iron is essentially a roller used on the greens to help speed them up and flatten out any small inconsistencies in the surface. They are a great way of instantly adding a foot of speed on the stimp meter to our greens.

This week we have had a turf iron on demonstration from one of our suppliers and the reactions have been great, so we will be purchasing this particular model within the next week.

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Over the next few months we will be in the market for some more equipment and machinery so keep an eye out for more pieces of kit arriving on demonstration at the club soon!


Second studio project now underway


New BCG and MD Golf Academy shirts now in stock!