No more golf for a few weeks - but fear not!

The golf course, clubhouse, driving range and academy are now closed for the short term until the nation can get the COVID-19 pandemic under control. Whilst the government has put a three week target on this - I think that looking at other countries, we’re looking more like 8-12 weeks realistically.

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Matt Daley Golf AcademyMatt Daley Golf Academy

Now, whilst this is not ideal, let’s be honest things could be worse. Anne Frank spent two year’s hiding in a loft only to unfortunately suffer a terrible fate - whereas we’re being told we have to stay at home for a few weeks and watch Netflix.

Don’t get me wrong, we’re in very scary times in both a financial and health sense - I’m not trying to play that down here - but if we can all pull together, stay strong and remember what really matters (family and friends’ health), then we will get through this and come out the other side fighting.

So here’s our plan at Burstwick Country Golf and the Matt Daley Golf Academy: we’re going to keep you entertained!

We are setting up a series of live streams and videos conducted by our two PGA Professionals Matt and Luke, which will be viewable online for all of our members (and everyone else) to see!


We hope that the live streams will engage all of our golfers and keep people going through the isolation, and hopefully help improve their golf too! With clinics, tips, tricks and more we’re confident we will keep everyone engaged every day to help those days go by and give people the bug ready for when we reopen again.

Keep an eye on our facebook pages and to find out when these streams and videos will be available.

Until then, stay safe everyone and remember that we will come out of this stronger as a nation.


Greenkeepers Update while the course is closed
